Making Things Consultancy

Photo of Grace smilingI Make Everything is the project of Grace Jackson, who is reputed to make everything, and though this is technically untrue, as she does not make jet engines or washing machines, it’s a fair use of rhetoric to describe the very impressive range of her making-things experience.

She makes very fancy cakes and opulent dresses, wire and bead jewelry, hedgerow gin, glass paintings, embroidered and bejeweled tights and micro-crocheted snowflakes. She makes corsets, shoes, hats, masks, and general bedeckery that has no name yet. She can make up complicated knitting patterns out of her head and she made her own house from scratch.

She is often asked to make things for people, but prefers to help people make things, ideally things that started out as their own idea and got out of hand. She specialises in biting off more than one can chew and then chewing it anyway.

To this end, she invites clients, singly or in small groups, to stay in her house in beautiful West Yorkshire so that they may play with her toys, pick her brains and learn to make whichever thing their heart desires. She has loads of fun tools, materials and ideas, amassed over several decades of dedicated making. Eating delicious food and drinking the aforementioned hedgerow gin surrounded by beautiful English countryside is included in the deal.

This site, and this business, are under kind of permanent construction. With so many things to make, the making of websites and businesses sometimes go on the back burner, so if something seems out of date, um… I’m sorry.

If you would like to know more or to inquire about learning to make something, please contact Grace.