Ok, so this week, a charity shop coughed up four pairs of rather nice corduroy trousers in different, perfectly acceptable colours. They fit very nicely except for the length, which rendered them totally fashionably unacceptable.
Good thing I’d been looking for a pair of trousers to make into breeches! And the universe gave me four!
Cut them just below the knee.
Take a little out of the inside leg so they fit snugly.
Rip a tiny bit of the outside seam so that you can sandwich it in the cuff.
Cut the hem off the remainder of the leg and cut it up the inside seam, removing the entire old seam to leave two raw edges. Pin this lot to the bottom of the leg with all the excess on the front so it will form a button overlap. Sew it up, leaving a little room at either end for the cuff sandwiching.
Turn up the cuffs right sides together and sew up the open edges.
Invert and pin inside for slip stitching. Yes, slip stitching. I know it takes hours, put the TV on.
There’s lots of good stuff on BBC.
You’ll finish eventually and it will look amazing.
Whack some buttonholes and buttons on there (hello, BBC!) and bob’s your uncle.
Hell, yes. I feel historical-badass.